Aplicatia Mate pentru BAC este o aplicatie destinata elevilor din Romania care vor sustine atat examenul de Bacalaureat, cat si lucrari sau teze la materia Matematica, dar si studentilor care doresc sa isi reimprospateze cunostiintele. Aceasta aplicatie este dezvoltata de un grup de studenti si acopera toate cele trei subiecte de la examen.
Aplicatia Mate pentru BAC poate fi folosita ca instrument de reimprospatare a memoriei inainte de un test sau examen in timpul liceului.
Mate pentru BAC contine formule, grafice, teoreme.
Mate pentru BAC este un mic memorator care il poti lua oriunde, oricand, ai nevoie doar de o conexiune la internet pentru a descarca aplicatia si gata, poti invata pentru lucrarea de maine chiar la petrecerea din seara aceasta.
Mate pentru BAC contine toata materia, nu trebuie sa platesti pentru ea.
Aplicatia a fost testata pe Nexus 7 si pe Sony Xperia M.
Mate application is an application designed for BAC Romania that will support students in both high school graduation exam, as well as papers or theses in the subject Mathematics, and students who want to refresh their knowledge. This application is developed by a group of students and covers all three subjects of the examination.
Mate application for BAC can be used as a tool to refresh the memory before a test or exam in high school.
Mate for BAC contains formulas, graphs, theorems.
Mate for BAC is a small memory that you can take anywhere, anytime, you just need an internet connection to download the app and ready, you can learn to work tomorrow just to party tonight.
Mate for BAC contains all matter, not have to pay for it.
The application has been tested on Nexus 7 on Sony Xperia M.